Author Guidelines
Development & Reproduction (Dev Reprod) publishes principle research and applied research on mechanisms of basic and applied sciences at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels. The ranging of covering topics is from stem cell and competency to developmental and system biology, from cytoplasmic events to nuclear events in development, from fertilized egg to cell type specificity, morphogenesis and organogenesis, from epigenetic to development and trait maintaining, and from birth to death.
Scientific Guidelines for Authors submitting to Development & Reproduction
Development & Reproduction’s goal is to publish papers helping to build the knowledge of multipoint and integrative in development of organisms. Development & Reproduction publishes the articles which are followed ‘Research and Publication Ethics.’
Types of Paper:
Development & Reproduction publishes Original Research Papers (Regular Article, Short Communication), Review Articles, Perspectives, and Resource papers.
Original Research Articles
Regular Articles
Abstracts must not exceed 250 words and should be constructed as a single narrative paragraph with no subheadings or references. Submissions are limited to a total of 12 figures and tables, and digital images are required. References should be limited to 50. The sections of a Regular Article should be in following order: Abstract, Introduction, Methods (must include sufficient information to allow readers to understand the content of article), Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Author Contributions and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest, References, Tables, Figure Legends, and Figures. Supplemental data may include additional information regarding methodology, supplemental figures or tables, or primary data sets; it must be submitted with the original manuscript submission so it can be peer reviewed. (See "Supplemental data" below)
Any involvement of medical writers/researchers, particularly those employed or supported by the pharmaceutical industry, in the writing of an article must be clearly defined and disclosed in the Authorship and/or the Acknowledgements section(s) as appropriate. This type of involvement must also be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief in the Cover Letter. For more information, see Conflict of Interest Disclosure below and the Authorship information.
Short Communication
Short manuscripts definitively documenting experimental results, informative clinical observations, a novel technique (a substantially advance of an existing technique), or a new resource will be considered for publication in this category. Single-case reports or case series can almost never be accommodated, unless they elucidate very novel and important disease biology or approaches to therapy. Brief Reports are not intended to allow publication of incomplete or preliminary findings. The review process is equally rigorous as for Regular Articles and the acceptance rate is lower. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words and should be a single paragraph with no subheadings. Only 2 figures/tables and 25 references may be included. The sections of a Brief Report should be ordered as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Methods (sufficiently informative to allow reproduction of the data), followed by a combined Results and Discussion section, Acknowledgements, Author Contributions and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest, References, Tables, Figure Legends, and Figures.
Other Article Types
Review Articles
Review articles are welcomed by the journal and are generally solicited by the Editor-in-Chief; authors wishing to submit an unsolicited Review Article are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission, in order to screen the proposed topic for relevance and priority, given other review articles that may already be in preparation. Review articles should focus on recent scientific or clinical advances in an area of broad interest to those in the field of hematology. Such articles must be concise and critical and should include appropriate references to literature. All Review Articles, including those solicited by the Editors, are rigorously peer reviewed before the final publication decision is made.
Review articles should include an abstract of 200 words or fewer, and may not have more than 120 references. The use of tables and color figures to summarize critical points is encouraged; the Journal offers assistance with preparation or improvement of figures from professional illustrators, once the article is accepted.
Perspectives are articles discussing significant topics and controversies relevant to developmental biology, generally from a more personal or opinion-based standpoint than a Review Article. Interested authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission to discuss the suitability of the proposed subject matter. The abstract must not exceed 250 words; and references are limited to 100. Typically, Perspectives should state the topic and background information concisely, discuss opposing viewpoints, and make recommendations for further investigations or actions.
Generally, any involvement of medical writers, editors, or researchers supported by the pharmaceutical industry is not acceptable for the preparation of Perspectives published in Development & Reproduction. For more information, see Conflict of Interest Disclosure below, or to discuss specific issues regarding this policy, contact the Editor-in-Chief prior to submission.
Resource Papers
Resource papers provide information which will have an impact on the research of developmental biologists. They will often be considered "descriptive" but such papers are appropriate for Development & Reproduction if they provide important new insights. The abstract must not exceed 250 words; and references are limited to 100.
The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written consent of the publisher. The articles published in Development & Reproduction are protected by the license, which covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute all of the articles printed in the journal. Manuscripts are to be submitted in their final form. Authors are urged to aim for clarity, brevity, and accuracy of information and language. Submitted manuscripts should be double-spaced, and order of the elements comprising the manuscript should be as follows:
- Title Page
- Abstract
- Key Words
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Acknowledgements
- Author Contributions
- Ethics approval
- References
- Tables
- Figure Legends
- Figures
File formats
For manuscript text and tables, our preferred file format is Microsoft Word.docx (or .doc), but other word-processing formats can be submitted (e.g. Hangle .hwp). Please include tables as part of the manuscript file.
Please do not: Insert any figures into the manuscript document.
Article title and Title page
The title should effectively and succinctly convey to non-specialists the content of the article and include no more than 150 characters. If commonly-understood abbreviations are included, they must be defined in the abstract. If the article reports results utilizing solely non-human model systems, the species must be indicated in the title.
Title page must contain the following: article title; running title for the running head (not to exceed 50 characters, including spaces between words); full and accurate names of all authors (as you want them to appear in online searches and citations); affiliations of institutions where the research was done, reflecting the order of authorship by using superscripted numbers; corresponding author’s full name, address, e-mail address, and phone and fax numbers (with country and area code). Contact details must be kept up to date by the corresponding author. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was done, or was visiting at the time, a 'Present address' (or 'Permanent address') may be indicated as a footnote to that author's name. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the main, affiliation address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes.
Regular Articles and Brief Reports also include an appropriate scientific category chosen during submission on the title page.
Should be concise, no more than 250 words and placed before the text. Do not use footnotes or references in the abstract. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. Abbreviations must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.
Key Words
A list of 4 - 7 key words is to be provided directly below the abstract, using American spelling and avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts. Key words should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing purposes.
State the adequate background and the objectives of the work avoiding a summary of the results.
Materials and Methods
Provide detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Doses of drugs should be given as unit weight/body weight (e.g. nmol/kg). Concentrations can be given either in terms of molarity (e.g. nmol/l) or density (e.g. ng/ml). The SI (Système International) units are mandatory.
It should be clear and concise.
It should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate depending on the kind of article.
All acknowledgements (including those for grant and financial support) should be typed in one separate paragraph that directly precedes the references section and do not include them on the title page.
Author Contributions
What authors have done for the study should be described in this section. To qualify for authorship, all contributors must meet at least one of the seven core contributions by CRediT (conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, data curation). Contributions will be published with the final article, and they should accurately reflect contributions to the work. The submitting author is responsible for completing this information at submission, and it is expected that all authors will have reviewed, discussed, and agreed to their individual contributions ahead of this time.
Ethics approval
A written statement must be described in the original articles indicating whether or not Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained or equivalent guidelines followed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 on human experimentation; if not, an explanation must be provided. In addition, a statement of IRB status (approved, waived, or other) must be included in the Methods section of your manuscript. Similarly, a written statement confirming approval by appropriate the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) must be included for research involving animals. Any manuscript submitted without appropriate IRB or IACUC approval will not be reviewed and will be returned to the authors.
Literature citations in the text should indicate the author's surname with the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. (Kim, 1997; Choi & Lee, 2001; Cheon et al., 2013). If there are more than two authors, only the first should be named, followed by "et al." References at the end of the paper should be listed in alphabetical order by the first author's name. If there is more than one work by the same author or team of authors in the same year, a, b, etc. is added to the year both in the text and in the list of references. Cited more than 2 should be ordered by published year. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication'. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
Journal Papers: name(s) and initial(s) of all authors; year; full title; journal title abbreviated in accordance with international practice; volume number; first and last page numbers.
Jung Y, Maeng S, Sohn YC (2007) Effects of estradiol-17β and nonylphenol on mRNA expression of estrogen receptor- related receptor β like 1 and early embryogenesis in sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus nudus. Dev Reprod 11:179-185.
Books: name(s) and initial(s) of all authors; year; title of article; editor(s); title of book; edition; volume number; publisher; place of publication; page numbers.
Gilbert SF (2010) Developmental Biology. 9th ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, UK, pp 287-299.
Ahlstrom JD, Erickson CA (2007) Organization of cells into higher-ordered structures. In: Lanza R, Langer R, Vacanti J (eds), Principles of Tissue Engineering. 3rd ed. Academic Press, New York, NY, pp 67-79.
Proceedings or Posters: name(s) and initial(s) of all authors; year; title of article; title of the Society Meeting, place of presentation, nation, date, page numbers (or identification number)
Mang J, Cheon YP (2009) In vitro developmental characteristics of preimplantation embryos in WBN/Kob rat. In: Proceedings 91st Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Washington, DC, 10-13 Jun, 2009, P2-442.
Agency Publication: CBE Style Manual Committee (1983) Council of Biology Editors Style Manual. 5th ed. Council of Biology Editors, Bethesda, MD.
Web references: the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. The known further information (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given.
Food and Drug Administration (2019) Development & approval process, drugs. Available from: Access at Jan 30, 2020.
Journal abbreviations source: Journal names should be abbreviated according to the List of title word abbreviations:
Tabular data should be presented concisely and logically. These should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and cited in the text. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and have a legend which makes its general meaning comprehensible without reference to the text.Figure Legends
Text to figures should be typed on a separate page and numbered correspondingly. The legend should make the meaning of each illustration understandable without reference to the text.Figures
When submitting a manuscript for review, image file formats accepted for uploading are GIF, JPEG (.jpg), PDF, and EPS. PowerPoint (.ppt) files are acceptable but are discouraged due to conversion issues and poor resolution in the published article.
High-resolution image files are not preferred for initial submission as the file sizes may be too large. The total file size of the PDF for peer review should not exceed 5 MB. High-resolution figures are required for accepted articles entering into print production.
Any alterations made to figures using computer software must be consistent with our image manipulation policy: The final image must remain representative of the original data, and the corresponding author will be asked to confirm this at submission.
Adjustments applied to the whole image are generally acceptable if no specific feature of the original data is obscured as a consequence. On the rare occasion when this is not possible, any alterations made must be stated in the figure legend and in the methods section. Any introduced groupings or consolidation of data (for example, the removal of lanes from gels and blots or the cropping of images) must be made apparent and should be explicitly indicated in the appropriate figure legends. Individual data should not be utilized across multiple figures, unless this is due to experimental design (for example, when multiple experiments are performed simultaneously using a single control experiment), in which case this must be clearly stated in each figure legend.
General points in electronic artwork
- Make sure you use uniform lettering and sizing of your original artwork.
- Preferred fonts: Arial (or Helvetica), Times New Roman (or Times), Symbol, Courier.
- Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
- For Word submissions only, you may still provide figures and their captions, and tables within a single file at the revision stage.
- Please note that individual figure files larger than 10 MB must be provided in separate source files.
- For others, you can follow general guideline in electronic artwork.
Supplemental Data
Supplemental data provides access to essential data that do not appear in the printed article or PDF. Supplemental data must be included during the initial submission of the parent manuscript. All supplemental data, other than videos, must be contained in a single PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file, not as separate files for each individual component. All supplementary data must be submitted for peer review and will be limited to a total of 10 MB per article. You will not include any supplemental data in the main manuscript text document, including appendices (e.g., lists of contributors to a consortium), methods, tables, figures, and legends of any kind. The Editors will review the supplemental material along with the manuscript. Supplemental data may or may not appear alongside an accepted article at the time of its publication in First Edition.
Abbreviations & Units
When first mentioned, commonly used hormone names (i.e. LH, IGF, etc.) and cumbersome chemical names should be suitably abbreviated for later reference in the paper. Doses of drugs should be given as unit weight/body weight (e.g. nmol/kg). Concentrations can be given either in terms of molarity (e.g. nmol/L) or density (e.g. ng/mL). The SI (Système International) units are mandatory.
Publication Charge
There is no submission fee. The current charge for publication is 150,000 Korean Won (150 US Dollars) per manuscript. Authors will be charged an additional 50,000 Korean Won (50 US Dollars) per page with colored figures. Waiver policy is temporarily applied to articles submitted outside Korea based on corresponding authors.
Make your text in good English. Authors who feel English editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use the English Language Editing service available.
Payment Options for Reprints and Publication Fees
It is recommended that international authors pay with a credit card (VISA or MasterCard). The form for Reprints and Publication fees must be returned to the office of Editor.
All material published in Development & Reproduction represents the opinions of the authors and does not reflect the opinions of The Korean Society of Developmental Biology, the Editors, or the institutions which the authors are affiliated with. Authors submitting manuscripts to Development & Reproduction do so with the understanding that if a manuscript is accepted, the copyright in the article, including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media, shall be assigned exclusively to The Korean Society of Developmental Biology and that the corresponding author and all coauthors will be required to sign their copyright transfer online. When submitting a paper to the submission system, Authors must submit a copyright transfer agreement.
Archiving Policy
Full text of Development & Reproduction has been archived in PubMed Central (PMC, from the 16th volume, 2012. Authors can archive publisher's version/PDF. Develpoment & Reproduction provides the electronic backup and preservation is accessible without barrier from Korea Citation Index ( or National Library of Korea ( in the event a journal is no longer published.
Contact details for submission
Manuscripts must be submitted online. Please submit your manuscript via e-mail to the Chief-in-Editor or the journal’s online submission system in Journal homepage (
For questions on the reviewing and submission process, please contact:
Development & Reproduction Editorial Office, Sungshin Women's University ,55, Dobong-ro 76ga-gil, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul 01133, Korea
Tel: +82-2-920-7639
Fax: +82-2-920-2093