Editorial Board
Associate Editor
Editorial Board
Byung-Hwa Min
Aquacult. Res. Division, Nat'l Inst. Fish. Sci, Korea
Chunghun Kim
M Fertility Center, Korea
Deokbae Park
Dept. Histology, College of Medicine, Jeju Nat'l Univ., Korea
Goro Yoshizaki
Tokyo Univ. Mar Sci Tech, Japan
Haibin Wang
Reproductive Medical Center, Medical College, Xiamen Univ., China
Hansoo Kim
Dept. Biomedical Science, Catholic Kwandong Univ., Korea
Hong-Yeoul Ryu
Kyungpook Nat'l Univ., Korea
Humphrey HC Yao
Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, NIEHS/NIH, USA
Hyun-Shik Lee
School of Life Sciences, Kyungpuk Nat'l Univ, Korea
Hyunwon Yang
Div. Chemistry and Bio-Environmental Sciences, Seoul Women's Univ., Korea
Joan Jorgensen
Dept. Comparative Biosciences, Unv. Wisconsin, USA
Ki-Young Lee
Marine Biotechnology, Marine Applied Biosciences, Kunsan Nat'l Univ, Korea
Kwonho Hong
Dept. Animal Science and Technology, Konkuk Univ., Korea
Sang Soo Kang
Dept. Anatomy, College of Medicine, Gyeongsan Nat'l Univ., Korea
Sanjoy K Das
Division of Reproductive Sciences, UC Department of Pediatrics , USA
Sehyung Cho
Dept. Physiology, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee Univ., Korea
Seok-Ho Hong
Gangwon Nat'l Univ., Korea
Sook-Young Yoon
CHA Hospital, CHA Univ., Korea
Stephan Pflugmacher Lima
Sung-Hwan Moon
Chung-Ang Univ., Korea
Sung-Jin Cho
Dept. Biology, Chungbuk Nat'l Univ., Korea
Tae Joo park
UNIST, Korea
Taejoon Kwon
UNIST, Korea
Tae-Young Choi
Wonkwang Univ., Korea
Woong Sun
Dept. Anatomy, College of Medicine, Korea Univ, Korea
Woo-Sung Kwon
Kyungpook Nat'l Univ., Korea
Younghee Lee
Dept. Biochemistry, Chungbuk Nat'l Univ., Korea
Young-Mi Lee
Dept. Life Science, Sangmyung Univ., Korea
Yunhee Kim
Dept. Biology, Kyung Hee Univ., Korea
Peer Review Specialist
Donchan Choi
Dept. Life Science, Yong In Univ., Korea
Jung Sick Lee
Dept. Aquatic Life Medical School, Chonnam Nat'l Univ., Korea