Expressional Alternation of 5α-Reductase Type I, P450 Aromatase, and Androgen and Estrogen Receptors in the Mouse Testis Induced by the Lipectomy of the Epididymal Fat at Different Postnatal Ages
Dev. Reprod. 2024;28(4):153-161.
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Zebrafish PEX1 Is Required for the Generation of GABAergic Neuron in p3 Domain
Dev. Reprod. 2024;28(4):129-139.
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Fatty Acid Synthase (FASN) Inhibitors Suppress Metformin-Induced Fat Accumulation and Apoptosis in H4IIE Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells
Dev. Reprod. 2024;28(4):163-174.
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Development and Characterization of a New Cell Line from Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
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Autotaxin Expression in the Uterus of Cycling Rats
Dev. Reprod. 2024;28(3):67-74.
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Analysis of Tissue-Specific Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IRF3) Gene Expression against Viral Infection in Paralichthys olivaceus
Dev. Reprod. 2021;25(4):235-244.
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About Development & Reproduction

Development & Reproduction (Dev Rerprod) is a primary research journal in the field of developmental biology that aims to promote the original knowledge and research. From its initial launch in 1996 to present day, Development & Reproduction continues to publish principle research articles at the molecular, cellular, histological, and genetic levels across the spectrum of basic and applied sciences – natural science, medical science, fishery science, veterinary sciences and animal husbandary – covering topics ranging from stem cell and competency to evolutionary developmental and system biology, from cytoplasmic events to nuclear events in development, from fertilized egg to cell type specificity, morphogenesis and organogenesis, and from epileptics to developmental maintaining. Original research at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels.

About Korean Society of Developmental Biology

The Korean Society of Developmental Biology was established on June 31, 1995 in Korea by a group of researchers from the natural, medical, veterinary, livestock and fisheries departments. Professor Bae In-ha (1995-1997), Professor Kim Moon-kyu of the second president (1997-1999) and professor Kim Chang-geun of the third president (1999-2000) took office. In 1996, the official publication of the Korean Society of Developmental Biology, Development & Reproduction, was launched. The Korean Society for Development Biology is an incorporated association recognized by the Korean government. The Korean Society for Developmental Biology provides opportunities to cite international papers and publishes steady academic papers.